Plane Dumb is the 12th Van Beuren Tom and Jerry cartoon, released 4 June, 1932. The cartoon's soundtrack is done by Gene Rodemich.
Tom and Jerry are flying to Africa in a plane, which crashes. As they float on a piece of wreckage, they decide that painting their faces black will keep them safe in Africa, and they begin talking like African-American stereotypes of the time. After encounters with sharks, an overly-friendly octopus, and a whale, Tom and Jerry make it to the mainland. They are confronted by beasts of the African jungle, and they meet some skeletal Africans that were retooled from the first Tom and Jerry short, "Wot a Night", then are chased by savage tribesmen at the end of the cartoon. This cartoon has often been considered racist, due to its blackface gag & stereotyping of African Americans.